neil young ohio
The song "Ohio" was an anthem to a generation in the 1970's. Here's how Neil remembers the song from liner notes of the Decade album:
"It's still hard to believe I had to write this song. It's ironic that I capitalized on the death of these American students. Probably the most important lesson ever learned at an American place of learning. David Crosby cried after this take.
For more on the song, the historic aftermath of its impact, and photos of the day, see Lyrics Analysis of Neil Young's song "Ohio".The Truth About The Kent State Massacre
Terry Norman - FBI informant/provocateur
70 Seconds Before Kent State Shootings
May 4, 1970 @ 12:24 PM
Kent State Truth Tribunal
70 Seconds Before Kent State Shootings
May 4, 1970 @ 12:24 PM
Kent State Truth Tribunal
So what really happened at Kent State over 40 years ago?
Now, newly discovered information sheds light on the awful truth of that tragic day that left 4 dead in Ohio.
To understand the events of May 4, 1970 at Kent State and the four dead in Ohio, is to understand much of what has happened in our history before, during and after.
In the intervening 41 years, there have been a wide range of commissions, studies, research and theories of what actually led to twenty-eight Ohio National Guardsmen shooting into a crowd of anti-war protesters at Kent State University which left four college students dead on the ground.
In the intervening 41 years, there have been a wide range of commissions, studies, research and theories of what actually led to twenty-eight Ohio National Guardsmen shooting into a crowd of anti-war protesters at Kent State University which left four college students dead on the ground.

Photo by Kent State photojournalism student John Filo
Despite many official denials, there have always been persistent theories that the National Guard was actually provoked into the shootings by a belief that they were being fired upon themselves and therefore were acting in self defense.
What follows is a brief recap for those less familiar with the The Kent State Massacre, followed by the latest developments.
The spring of 1970 was a time of significant unrest on college campuses protesting the Vietnam war and President Richard Nixon's announcement of a new American invasion of Cambodia, provoking an escalation in anti-war protests. The anti-war protest movement culminated with the Kent State Massacre which resulted in hundreds of universities, colleges, and high schools closing throughout the United States due to a student strike of four million students. The official President's Commission on Campus Unrest concluded that "the indiscriminate firing of rifles into a crowd of students and the deaths that followed were unnecessary, unwarranted, and inexcusable."

Twenty-eight Ohio National Guardsmen fired sixty-seven rounds in thirteen seconds, leaving four students dead
We now share new developments from Kent State Truth Tribunal:
With #Occupy protests escalating around the world, know that the US federal government historically uses provocateurs to incite violence at protests.Because of Kent State in 1970, the American right to peacefully assemble in safety remains at high risk.A couple of weekends back we found CRITICAL, NEW EVIDENCE in the Kent State Massacre from May 4, 1970. The new info came from viewing a montage of videos, specifically at point 1:07.40 thru 1:08 ~ Kent State Shooting 1970 FootageWATCH FBI informant provocateur Terry Norman (photo at top), the young man in the light colored sports jacket. Earlier that day Norman's mentor, Detective Tom Kelly from the Kent Police had attempted to have Norman's gun approved for carrying on campus during the demonstrations, but that approval never came so it's KEY that the video clearly shows Norman handing over his gun to Detective Kelly.From forensic evidence expert Stuart Allen's analyses of the Kent State Tape in 2010, we learned that Norman shot that weapon at the May 4th demonstration as he was attacked & beat-up by students who saw his gun. (More on Terry Norman ~ Does Terry Norman Hold the Key to Kent State?.)Watching these Kent State videos without sound, Norman's gun hand-off coupled with the post-Kent State Tape analysis, we now understand the importance of this interaction caught on video & at many other sources.Norman's pistol 'created the sound of sniper fire.'As Norman was held up by the students, the national guard march back & forth, awaiting the sound of sniper fire. 70 seconds after Norman shoots his pistol four times, the national guard command to shoot at unarmed students is given & Norman hightails it out of there into the arms of law enforcement & immediately hands over his gun.From there on, the FBI thoroughly corrupted key evidence in the Kent State Massacre as the FBI continually changed their 'official' stories. At first the FBI claimed they don't have the gun, then they do while Norman's gun was cleaned, milled & re-coated by the FBI. That the gun had been fired, but the FBI couldn't tell when. Interestingly, the FBI found unmatched bullets in his gun's chambers 'to pretend' it hadn't been fired. Most damning was that J. Edgar Hoover himself 'swore' that Terry Norman wasn't working for the FBI yet soon after Hoover died, the new FBI director came clean that Norman was paid $125 by the FBI in April 1970.Furthermore, Norman's spent bullet casings were found & catalogued in the Kent State archive yet never entered into evidence, indicating the FBI corrupted the evidence & failed to collect all evidence in every investigation of the Kent State Massacre.Our recent Kent State letter to Pres Obama/Gen'l Holder, Demanding the Dept of Justice EXAMINE the new evidence in the KENT STATE TAPE ~ (My Open Letter on Kent State to President Obama & General Holder)(DEEP BACKGROUND on the Kent State Massacre ~ Creators of the Kent State Killings of 1970)Terry Norman lives at his mountain-top, off-grid outback palace in the Carolinas, enjoying protection and well-paid work for life in US Intelligence.With #Occupy protests escalating around the world, know the US federal government historically uses provocateurs to incite violence at protests. Because of Kent State, the American right to assemble in safety remains at high risk since 1970.Having taken a deep view into what happened at the 1970 Kent State Massacre over these last 2 years & hearing the Kent State Tape, it's clear the folks that made Kent State happen are the same folks #Occupy is protesting.As an example, in 1970 young men were subjected to a draft lottery into the Vietnam war, without the ability to vote against or for the Vietnam war. Americans under 21 years old were drafted, shipped to SE Asia to fight for their country but they had no say.So young folks began protesting, joining together in civil disobedience to have their voices heard as the Vietnam war escalated in the later 60's.Kent State profoundly silenced & also massacred the 1st amendment rights of three generations of anti-war folks when four students were killed & nine more were wounded by national guard bullets on May 4, 1970 ~ A Day that Changed America. same folks that pulled-off Kent State also collected the evidence. Key Kent State Massacre evidence has been repeatedly not included in the numerous Kent State Massacre investigations, thus indicating collusion along with tampering of evidence.The folks responsible for 'bringing the war home' at Kent State, were also the war machine & intelligence communities or the military-industrial complex. They continue to pull global strings as they make off with the money now more than 40 years later.
For more, see Kent State Truth Tribunal. Thanks Laurel for all of your work in your sister Allison's name.
Lastly, as the above article demonstrates, the powers that be will seek to manipulate and distort events in order to discredit a movement and their message. As we have seen with in the Occupy movement at theAir and Space Museum false flag confrontation to the Oakland Port "anarchists" violence, agent provocateurs will try and discredit the people's movements.
Let us continue the struggle to ensure that Allison's murder (& Bill's, Jeffry's and Sandra's) was not in vain.
Stay calm & safe 99%'ers. solidarity.

The Four Dead in Ohio
Allison Krause - Age: 19, 110 Yards
William Schroeder - Age: 19, 130 Yards
Jeffrey Miller - Age: 20, 90 Yards
Sandra Scheuer - Age: 20, 130 Yards
William Schroeder - Age: 19, 130 Yards
Jeffrey Miller - Age: 20, 90 Yards
Sandra Scheuer - Age: 20, 130 Yards